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If you own a business or company in Vinton County, it is your concern to take care of your employees and facilities in time of an emergency. It is important to have an emergency plan and to practice that plan before an emergency occurs.


If your company uses, produces or stores chemical substances (hazardous or extremely hazardous materials) in excess of a given ‘Threshold Quantity’ on any given day throughout the year, the Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 3750 (Emergency Planning), Section 3750.08 requires the company submit a chemical inventory report.

The required reports must be sent to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), the County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the fire department that services the facility. Please check the references shown on the web page for further information. 

If there are any questions regarding whether your company should report or not or if there are any other questions you might have on this program please contact the LEPC at the County EMA office, 106 South Market Street , McArthur, Ohio. Telephone 740-596-3245, e mail -



General Information on the Commission and Requirements - State Emergency Response Commission (SERC):

Chemical Release Reporting Requirements:

Updated Information on 'Releases' from the EPA

Hazard Incident Spill Report/Material Release in Word or PDF



Current announcements from the EMA


                                         Siren Test : Test occur on the last Monday of each month at 12 noon. 


Mitigation Plan Update


The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is currently looking at updating the Vinton County Mitigation Plan. We would like to have your input into this process by offering the ability to place information into the upcoming plan. If you would like to have input inton this plan please read over the 2016 plan then eithier email what you would like to see changed or you can send me your thoughts on changes at Vinton County EMA 106 S.Market Street McArthur, 











Call us:


Visit us: 

31835 State Route 93 McArthur, OH 45651

M-F 8:30 - 4:00, By Appointment

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