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Long Term Healthcare Facilities

Click here to find resources and documents regarding Emergency Preparedness in the Long Term Facilities.

The Vinton County EMA is excited to join efforts with the Long Term Care Community in our county to help plan for, respond to, and recover from major disasters that might come to our community.

Healthcare Facility Guidelines for Medicare and Medicaid Facilities for Emergency Planning

Step 1: Emergency Plan more details


Step 2: Policies and Procedures


Step 3: Communication Plan

Step 4: Training and Testing more details

Current announcements from the EMA


                                         Siren Test : Test occur on the last Monday of each month at 12 noon. 

Mitigation Plan Update

The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is currently looking at updating the Vinton County Mitigation Plan. We would like to have your input into this process by offering the ability to place information into the upcoming plan. If you would like to have input inton this plan please read over the 2016 plan then eithier email what you would like to see changed or you can send me your thoughts on changes at Vinton County EMA 106 S.Market Street McArthur, 




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