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The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security is organized in accordance with section 5502.26 and 5502.27 of the Ohio Revised Code for the purpose of coordinating, organizing, administering, and operating emergency management within the county. The Agency is operated by a director and governed by an Executive Committee comprised of county and township officials.


The agency writes and maintains an All Hazards Emergency Operations Plan for the county and coordinates annual exercises of the plan. In addition, the agency is involved in coordinating relief during disasters and emergencies, obtaining grant funding to improve emergency preparedness, response, and recovery, and coordinating training opportunities for response personnel as well as the general public in regard to the phases of emergency management. The agency works closely with volunteer organizations, state and local agencies, and the general public to accomplish these goals and more.



Members of The Vinton County EMA  Executive Committee:

James Shiveley - Chairperson

Linda Hopkins - Vice Chair

Mark Fout, Vinton County Commissioner

Floyd Largent, Brown Township Trustee

George McGraw, Wilkesville Township

Frank Perry, Private Citizen

Michael Woodruff, Private Citizen

Mark Peters, Madison Twp. Trustee

Dave Gill-Village of McArthur Council

Josh Wells, Harrison Twp. Trustee

Janelle McManis -Health Director

Danny Minton-Richland Twp. Trustee 


Meetings are held at 6PM, in the EOC located in the Vinton County Sheriff's Office, on the first Monday of January, April, July, and October.


The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is organized in conjunction with the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act the State Emergency Response Commission  in an effort to improve the awareness of and response to hazardous chemical incidents in Vinton County in order to lessen their impact on people, property, and the environment. The committee is comprised representatives from local law enforcement, fire departments, industries using and storing hazardous chemicals in the county, EMS, environmental health, county government, and emergency management. The central point of contact for the LEPC is the EMA Director, who also serves as the chair of this committee.


For more information regarding hazardous chemical usage, storage, transportation, or spills contact The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency or visit the links below:


Ohio Environmental Protection Agency


United States Environmental Protection Agency


Members of the Vinton County LEPC:

William Faught, Director, Vinton County EMA - LEPC Infor. Coord. 

Jayson Potts, Chief, Hamden Volunteer Fire Department

Mark Fout, Vinton County Commissioner

Aaron Chesser McArthur Fire Department

Jim Shiveley, President of the VCEMA -Executive Board

Mike Abele, Austin Powder Company

Kate Cottrill SCO Regional Public Health Preparedness

Jeff Woodrum, Director, VCEMS

Mark Peters -Zaleski FD -Fire Chief

David Bradley -American Red Cross

Miles Layton- Vinton County Courier

Mike Woodruff, Lieutenant, Vinton County Sheriff's Office

Josh Kirkpatrick Asst- Principal Vinton Co. High Schools

Jennifer Dewitt-Holzer Medical

Mike Sickles-Trans. Adm -ODOT

Matt Kight- McArthur Police Dept.

John Eckelberry- American Red Cross

Meetings are held at 12 noon in the Vinton County EOC



 Vinton County has changed it's provider for Mass Emergency Notification to Hyper Reach : Please join us at :  or Call 740-669-7798. to join.





Current announcements from the EMA


                                         Siren Test : Test occur on the last Monday of each month at 12 noon. 


Mitigation Plan Update


The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is currently looking at updating the Vinton County Mitigation Plan. We would like to have your input into this process by offering the ability to place information into the upcoming plan. If you would like to have input inton this plan please read over the 2016 plan then eithier email what you would like to see changed or you can send me your thoughts on changes at Vinton County EMA 106 S.Market Street McArthur, 











Call us:


Visit us: 

31835 State Route 93 McArthur, OH 45651

M-F 8:30 - 4:00, By Appointment

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