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Press Releases









Emergency Operations Plan

The Emergency Management Agency is responsible for maintaining the county wide Emergency Operations Plan. This document guides the creation of each county agencies Standard Operating Procedures. It does not contain information regarding how an agency works or completes a task, but rather what  responsibilities each agency has in the overall performance of emergency management and response. The plan consists of a base plan and several additional plans correlating to the phases of emergency management. Question or concerns about the Vinton County Emergency Operation Plan can be addressed to the Vinton County Emergency Management Agency Director. 







All Hazards Mitigation Plan

The county Mitigation Plan includes a risk assessment and community profile to determine what hazards are most-likely to affect the county. The plan also consists of a list of projects that can be done to lessen the impacts of those hazards. This plan has recently been updated and is available for public review and has been passed by FEMA and all state and county stockholders.This plan will be utilized for the next 5 years as the counites Mitigation Plan.












Current announcements from the EMA


                                         Siren Test : Test occur on the last Monday of each month at 12 noon. 


Mitigation Plan Update


The Vinton County Emergency Management Agency is currently looking at updating the Vinton County Mitigation Plan. We would like to have your input into this process by offering the ability to place information into the upcoming plan. If you would like to have input inton this plan please read over the 2016 plan then eithier email what you would like to see changed or you can send me your thoughts on changes at Vinton County EMA 106 S.Market Street McArthur, 











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